Aug 2, 2010

Rock Steady

Yes! This is the song of the day today for the victory dance. It may be about something entirely different but I'm going to pretend that it also speaks to weight loss maintenance,(or consistency in general), and squeeze it into my own life soundtrack.

It's been 16 months and I finally reached my goal weight to the exact ounce! How perfect is that? You can't make shit like that up. The only thing that could possibly top that is if I had timed it to happen on St. Patrick's Day. It was always the elusive "in my dreams" target that I'd never thought I'd ever even get close to and now it's real. I still can't wrap my head around it as my eyes still automatically well up every time I really see the changes. I'm nearly done and ready to close the book on that chapter for good now.

I wasn't going to go to the Aretha Franklin concert this Sat. but screw the damn flag football for once. It's ruined weekend plans way too many times. It's imperative that I celebrate and ReRe is one of the greatest singers of all time, plus it's free dammit! I am NOT missing it.

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