A lighthearted take on my trials, tribulations, and tips as a former sugar addict who joined a Medi Weight Loss Clinic, lost 115lbs and has still maintained it!
Aug 29, 2011
Ladies Who Lunch
Fine, expensive cuisine at THE premiere waterside venue in town with THE healthiest people around... Two free tickets to the Oscars of diet and exercise? Yes, please!
The 2011 Tampa Bay Healthiest Employers Event is fast approaching and my poster and I have been cordially invited despite my weekly 100 calorie margarita and 100 calorie bag of smart popcorn. Obama was even invited to this location last year, so you know my mom and I have to scope out this place for ourselves. I'll be hanging out in the back, pretending to check my phone messages on my son's iPod as I secretly take pictures. Just another perk to joining Medi. http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2011/08/08/2011-healthiest-employers-awards.html
Jul 29, 2011
I'm pleased to announce that my A game for my lifelong mission "No More Plus Size EVER!" is back on. After evaluating the situation, I've cut back on the extra carbs, downloaded some new killer tunes, and have signed up for a 5 mile walk on my birthday. As a result, that unwanted pound is gone now and it looks like those nine others will disappear too. I can almost see that new wardrobe in the next size down hanging in my closet in the not too distant future as sure as I am blogging.
That's good too, as it's better to address slip ups right away rather than wait until you get stuck in bad situation like Paula Deen. Don't get me wrong, I think Paula is the cutest, sweetest home cook ever but she does have a tendency to match the size of her portions to the size of her over the top personality. Not that I wouldn't jump at the chance to have a mint julep with her on her party show in a heartbeat, but I doubt I would have one for long after just one bite of her deep fried, bacon stuffed, grilled cheese sandwich. Honestly, I don't know how she and her husband (aka Santa Claus) still have the lung capacity to cut a rug at the end of the day.
Speaking of which, why is her son Bobby ALWAYS coming over at that time for dinner AND dessert. He's such a codependent enabler! You know her sugar,cheese and butter supply would be cut in half if that grown mama's boy would learn how to cook for himself. What's he gonna do if, heaven forbid, she and Michael should both pass and his own health declines? Someone's gotta run the family restaurant. He can't cook and you know Jamie (her baby) isn't the sharpest tool in the box.
You've got to have knowledge. Not only to be aware of problems from the onset but to then use it to find the solutions to turn it around. It's not always fun or easy but is infinitely much better than the alternative.
Jul 8, 2011
What's On the Tube
As of today, I still haven't seen any more mentions on Twitter from the lead singer of The Counting Crows about my blog, but it's alright. I can click onto the Medi Weight loss channel via You tube and see something equally impactful and cool. To quote the song "Mr. Jones", "When I see that television" I see me, along with many others who have reached their goals on the program, "Staring right back at me". (I'm the overly pensive woman in the dark blue shirt.)
Jul 3, 2011
Sink or Swim

I'll admit it, I'm not a big fish person. Growing up my mother would complain for days if my father dared to cook cabbage on New Year's Eve for luck, so anything with too pungent of an odor was usually too high of a risk in our home. The closest my family ever got to seafood was the occasional splurge on shrimp for when my parents were trying to impress special guests or some deep fried fish sticks, when they were on sale.
As the years passed I've tried more of the mild types of seafood at restaurants out of curiosity like grouper, salmon, and bass and have discovered that they're really not bad at all. I'd even place lobster on my top ten best foods ever list. Fish is a refreshing change from the standard chicken or beef and a welcome alternative, especially for anyone on a high protein diet. I've tried to incorporate more of these dishes into my meal planning but am weary with two picky eaters seldom open to trying anything new.
Well Yesterday, my guys,(my husband and two boys), spent the day deep sea fishing on one of those big charter boats common to Florida for the first time. I opted out this time for some much needed mommy time,(aka a movie and clothes shopping) but couldn't escape the fish all together. They came home proudly displaying their catch of the day in the freezer buried under a five pound bag of ice.
I knew it was in there somewhere, cut, cleaned and ready to be cooked and it was up to me to do the deed. Not being much of an expert in this field I cleverly went to my go to site,(allrecipes.com) and attempted to trick them into believing I was a culinary genius. It worked. They loved it and nobody ever knew that I had completely winged it and hoped for the best. (It's funny how that approach works more often than not.)
Here's the recipe,(not mine), if you're ever stuck in the same predicament. You can use it on any type of fish,(I believe), and eliminate the nachos and serve with brown rice for a low carb effect.
Mexican Baked Fish Recipe - Allrecipes.com
Jun 12, 2011
Enough Already
Let me just say that this was how I looked a week before doing the video testimony posted below.

Football mom chic, right? But somehow, when sitting down in front on a television camera, I look like I swallowed it. You know how they say that the camera adds ten pounds, well now I believe it. All of those actresses must look borderline anorexic in person. But in my case, it looks like the camera piled on twenty pounds.
People debating about whether to try the program want to see the results and I just don't think that particular shirt really sells it. Initially I wore a more flattering dress but it didn't work with the lighting and white background, so I had to change. Then, I had to do some readjusting so, umm, certain straps wouldn't show and it just didn't read as well as I think it could have.
Not that my poor posture helped matters either. No wonder I have back problems. I've been working on my core for months now and definitely know better.
And could I be an more calm? I was nervous and trying to stay composed but I look like I'm one yawn away from an Ambien induced nap. A big gulp size coffee on the drive to the studio that morning might not have been such a bad idea. Oh, and my attempt at humor at the end - kinda lame. Yeah, my family thought that was cute but I'm not so sure. The director suggested a one liner as I was rambling, (my hats off to the editors at Tampa Digital Studios), and it sounds a bit rehearsed due to the retakes.
Yet ultimately the whole point of anyone sharing their story is about healing. I wanted to be able to connect to people who are where I used to be and encourage them to take care of themselves and I think I did that, in my own way. Every day I work on not focusing on what I don't have and to value and build on the things that I do, yet I still tend to gravitate toward the negative. Looking back at the clip, this whole experience showed me that I really need to stop thinking that I'm not good enough, as it's clearly wearing me out. I'm not perfect and probably never will be, but I don't need to be. It's about making your mind up that you're going to do whatever is that you're taking on and then giving it your best shot. Something that, if I look back, I've tried to do time and again.
The video may or may not affect anyone but I was afraid to do and did it anyways, just like I did when I first stepped foot in the clinic. Good or bad, I still managed to get through it despite myself and that's a small victory in itself.
YouTube - Changed Lives: Erin

Football mom chic, right? But somehow, when sitting down in front on a television camera, I look like I swallowed it. You know how they say that the camera adds ten pounds, well now I believe it. All of those actresses must look borderline anorexic in person. But in my case, it looks like the camera piled on twenty pounds.
People debating about whether to try the program want to see the results and I just don't think that particular shirt really sells it. Initially I wore a more flattering dress but it didn't work with the lighting and white background, so I had to change. Then, I had to do some readjusting so, umm, certain straps wouldn't show and it just didn't read as well as I think it could have.
Not that my poor posture helped matters either. No wonder I have back problems. I've been working on my core for months now and definitely know better.
And could I be an more calm? I was nervous and trying to stay composed but I look like I'm one yawn away from an Ambien induced nap. A big gulp size coffee on the drive to the studio that morning might not have been such a bad idea. Oh, and my attempt at humor at the end - kinda lame. Yeah, my family thought that was cute but I'm not so sure. The director suggested a one liner as I was rambling, (my hats off to the editors at Tampa Digital Studios), and it sounds a bit rehearsed due to the retakes.
Yet ultimately the whole point of anyone sharing their story is about healing. I wanted to be able to connect to people who are where I used to be and encourage them to take care of themselves and I think I did that, in my own way. Every day I work on not focusing on what I don't have and to value and build on the things that I do, yet I still tend to gravitate toward the negative. Looking back at the clip, this whole experience showed me that I really need to stop thinking that I'm not good enough, as it's clearly wearing me out. I'm not perfect and probably never will be, but I don't need to be. It's about making your mind up that you're going to do whatever is that you're taking on and then giving it your best shot. Something that, if I look back, I've tried to do time and again.
The video may or may not affect anyone but I was afraid to do and did it anyways, just like I did when I first stepped foot in the clinic. Good or bad, I still managed to get through it despite myself and that's a small victory in itself.
YouTube - Changed Lives: Erin
Jun 11, 2011

I thought I might crash and burn at yesterday's Foodapolooza but I feel like those days are gone. I can't say I didn't indulge in any treats, (I had a scoop of black raspberry ice cream), but that was all I could literally stomach. Maybe it was the oppressive heat or the sight of hundreds of fit women in small sundresses everywhere I looked, but the idea of shoveling down more junk food didn't appeal to me. I kept thinking that the old me would have stayed at home, too embarrassed to be seen walking by food tents in summer clothing overweight. I would have never even made it past the mile walk to the event and now I could handle being on my feet at length. I was with all the other women who were enjoying Sunday at a bay front park and, for the first time in years, I felt comfortable doing the same. That's the treat these days and I don't want to ruin that. In fact, I'm trying to go a few more pounds past my original goal weight and have already lost five pounds this month.
In the words of Third Eye Blind's Stephen Jenkins, "I want something else to help me through this life" and I'm still searching to find what exactly that is. Not so sure my husband and I watching a nineties band perform with two restless kids fits the bill though. I'll always have a passion for music but am starting to feel like those days of not feeling old at a concert may be gone too.
YouTube - ThirdEyeBlind.MOV
Jun 9, 2011
As Seen On TV

Oh my God, what was up with the Rachael Ray show? Can you say agenda?! So much for telling the WHOLE story and informing people on an incredible personal achievement and an excellent program for weight loss. The show was all about NBC promoting The Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels pitching her book, as she has all the answers to making your dreams come true. Jeez, even the viewer who had to overcome wearing minimal makeup for 30 days got more screen time!
But it's not Jerome's fault. He and his wife did mention Medi numerous times during the five hour taping of the show but were told they may not have time for them to answer all of the interview questions. So they were overshadowed by the bigger so called celebrity and, (due to some clever editing), it looks like The Biggest Loser is responsible for inspiring the couple and serving as the perfect guide for them to lose the weight on their own. They even showed them going into the doctor's office for their weekly weigh-ins!!! ARRRRRGHHH!!!!!! Those weren't done to mimic the show!!!! It's an important part to the medically supervised weight loss program they were both on to help keep them on track and to monitor their health called Medi!!!!!!!!! The clinic even sticks with their patients after they reach their goals to help them sustain the change long term too. TV Land does things a bit differently. In that world they drop you after the cameras stop rolling and catch up with you a year later when you've put the weight back on and they can exploit you all over again.
I understand a network wanting to plug their own show and not wanting the segment to be just a commercial for the clinic, but they really short changed both of them. To not give them a chance to share more of their story or to even mention the program that was a key component to helping the couple shed over 400 pounds is wrong. They missed out on an opportunity to potentially help a lot of overweight people. People who have tried diets on their own, or may be contemplating gastric surgery, and could benefit greatly from medical support. I don't think I can watch Rachael Ray ever again.
Jun 8, 2011
On the Show

Medi weight loss patient, Jerome Biggars and his wife Shawna share how they lost over 400lbs together on the Rachael Ray Show tomorrow!
On the downside, Jillian Michaels is going to be on as well. I don't watch The Biggest Loser anymore because of how they degrade their contestants for ratings and she seems to be the worst offender. Maybe it's not nice to label her a bully but how else would you describe someone who gets up in other peoples' faces, screams at them, and makes them exercise until they feel chest pains for ratings. (As if they haven't already been humiliated enough.) Thankfully, Jerome and Shawna will be there to show her how losing weight is really done. Set your dvr.
Rachael Ray Show - On the Show - Jillian Michaels’ Fan Surprise & French Onion Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Jun 6, 2011
Slimming Down
I may not be the toast of town like my brother with his Bears, but my work has been popping up in my own community along with some other Medi Mamas. We may not be hairy but we know how to rock, especially in skinny jeans and heels. Nice job ladies!
Your Community Newspaper | Blog | The joy of permanent weight loss
Your Community Newspaper | Blog | The joy of permanent weight loss
Jun 2, 2011
Lights, Camera, Action

Yes, it's that time of year again. It's annual sick week. You know, that one time of year when you've got the longest To Do list to tackle? When you're counting down the minutes until the medicine kicks in and you can fade into unconscious where pain ceases to plague you for at least a few hours?
I don't get it. I wash my hands. I take my multivitamin. Why the extra obstacle? Why now? Can't it wait until the weekend?
The prime source of these germs is none other than my first born. He's showing all the signs of a flu - stuffy nose, sore throat, no appetite for my cooking... Naturally he thought nothing about coughing on my pillow during a recent Harry Potter marathon but I am not getting sick. I'm not getting sick. I'm NOT getting SICK! The mucus setting up shop in my sinuses is just an unpleasant drainage problem that will magically clear up just as quickly as it set in.
It better because Thursday is a big day and I can't be looking all run down and blowing my nose on video. I just found out that I will be sharing my weight loss story for a video testimony! Yay!While I'm glad to be able to spread the word to others who might think permanent weight loss isn't possible, it could also create yet another strange experience. Now I could potentially be in the waiting room at the clinic while a video loop, with me in it, plays on a flat screen behind me. I can just see the confused looks of other patients now. (Insert Twilight Zone music here).
That's right - I'm going to be inside a real video studio, in front of a camera crew, with my adult acne and all, trying to articulate just how much my life has completely changed since joining the program while trying not to get choked up. Not that that would make me emotional or anything. After all, if I don't lose it, my spot could potentially be seen by a few more people than just my immediate family. But my camera time consists only of a B52 karaoke song in high school, a requested tribute to Pat Benatar, and some headache inducing background audio after my son's touchdown. I don't think that qualifies as valuable experience. Wish me luck.
Apr 12, 2011
Finding Myself
(Warning: This is shameless self promotion. This doesn't happen every day so I felt compelled to document it. Forgive me.)
Took a few more pictures of my new home. It was similar to playing Where's Waldo. :)
Aside from fine dining, it looks like my alter ego, is interested in health

the arts

and all things beautiful!

It's uncanny how my bannner just happened to be located at these particular places. How'd they know? I might just start liking malls, especially this one.
Took a few more pictures of my new home. It was similar to playing Where's Waldo. :)
Aside from fine dining, it looks like my alter ego, is interested in health

the arts

and all things beautiful!

It's uncanny how my bannner just happened to be located at these particular places. How'd they know? I might just start liking malls, especially this one.
Mar 24, 2011
Hangin' Around

The weekly visit to the Medi clinic is very routine at this point. Walk in, sign in, and then wait for my name to be called in the waiting room. Yup, once again I'm there like the last person at a party who doesn't notice that everyone else already left. I've seen some staff and four doctors come and go and the ones that remain are probably wondering how long before they have to push me out the door.
In a lot of ways, nothing is new. There are no more sizes dropped, pounds lost, or drastic physical changes. I go in the exam room for a B12 injection and get weighed once a month, free of charge, and that's it. All that ever changes is the staff member I see and I just hope it's not a doctor, since they're typically more aggressive when sticking your arm with a needle.
But just when I think I've reached my goal and it doesn't get any better than that, I get another gift handed to me. Today, while seeing my favorite nurse, she exclaimed, "Erin, did you see? You're picture is flying all over Wiregrass my dear! Did they tell you?"
HOLY SH**!!!!!! What?! I may not make it to the local shopping mall that often, but apparently my poster image sure does. She's hanging around every other street light at the most popular place in town! She's in front of Grillsmith restaurant where it looks like she always has a table reserved for her and I haven't even eaten there yet. She's about to check out the new releases at Barnes & Noble when I only have time to read magazines. Hell, she's even next to my favorite store, JcPenNEY, yards away from actor Terrence Howard's ad like they're both just hustlin' and flowin'. That chick looks ten times cooler than me and appears to be having more fun than me too, but she is me. True it's me made up me wearing a dress that I don't typically wear often and in heels that I can hardly walk in but the promise of living out this "night on the town" look it obtainable now when I never imagined I would get this far.
Looking at yourself after losing over 100 pounds is surreal enough but to see a glammed up version of yourself when your shopping around town is both strange and incredibly empowering. How many people actually lose a significant amount of weight through a weight loss program and also have their success publically broadcast? Not only that but people I don't even know have been posting comments about my story on Facebook. Comments like, "You're story gave me chills... it's a blessing... you inspired me to try again." To have any impact on anyone else with a weight issue, and to possibly motivate them to getting back their life when I've been overweight off and on since I was a little girl... It means everything to me. I couldn't ask for more and if my weight should continually stay at my goal, well then I'm just going to have to get used to it. :)
YouTube - Talking Heads - "Once In A Lifetime"
Mar 23, 2011
Sticking To It

The one green beer I had last night must not have agreed with me because today I feel as if I could float down the Majestic Shannon on the buoyancy of my belly bloat alone. I know, not exactly a pretty picture, but it's been a recurring problem ever since I hit my goal weight and probably one others can relate to as well. I eat a little more carbs here and there, (the good carbs), and it's like my body doesn't know what they are or how to digest them anymore. So they "fester" in my stomach, (which I now refer to as Fester), making me look and feel like I'm in my first trimester. Not only that but the discomfort has slowed me down with my workouts and the extra calories have added up to a couple of pounds in the last few months. Ugghhh! I've worked too hard to lose the weight and I'll be damned if I'm going to back track now!!!!!!
Luckily for me, Medi has, once again, come to the rescue. Today I received a package in the mail, a gift bag from the clinic for making the Top 10 in the cover model contest stocked with all the ingredients I need to protein it up anytime of the day for days. That's right, today's secret ingredient is... PROTEIN POWDER!!!!!
Over the last couple of years I've received enough shake recipes from Medi to become a certified shake mixologist but I've never tried them. Well, with the supply I've been given, it seems like that's all about to change. They even added in PB2 - powdered peanut butter! I know, it sounds a little gross but is actually a real, natural peanut butter that is made with peanuts but is much healthier and lower in calories while being just as tasty and comes in a chocolate version too. In fact, I've got big plans for it. It's going to be like the life of party when mingling with yogurt, sugar free pudding, my cheesecake recipe... I can even mix it with water and spread it on my cinnamon apple slices! I haven't had peanut butter in years, so the possibilities might just be endless.
Sometimes when you hit a bump in the road, it might just help to mix it up. I'm going to experiment with the recipes. I'll be sure to share my favorites.
(The background music. These chicks like peanut butter too.YouTube - The Liverbirds - Peanut Butter)
Mar 11, 2011
That's What I'm Talkin' About

Nearly two years ago I was over a hundred pounds overweight. Then I started a weight loss plan at a little clinic two miles away from my house, lost the weight, and now my image is on banners, ads, and posters representing them????? I know it's custom for programs like this to advertise with before and after pictures of their patients, but I'm really just one of many who have lost a substantial amount of weight, so it still baffles me as to why I was singled out.
Not that I mind at all though. It may not seem that significant to other people, but to someone who, at the age of seven, had their mother sew them a pink, gunny sack confirmation dress because they didn't fit into the standard, beautiful white dress that all the other Irish Catholic girls paraded around in like princesses, and who continued to feel outcast for decades after because of her weight - it feels monumental.
With exposure like this, the cover of Italian Vogue, a leading role in the next Darren Aronofsky movie, and a major book deal with Random House are sure to follow.
Mar 9, 2011
Rock Around the Clock
This is currently how hard I'm "rocking" it in the Medi Cover Model contest, with 37
votes to the top contenders 294 votes...
I know they say "Slow and steady wins the race" but the tortoise could run me over at this point and that's with the help of my husband's coworkers, my mother in-law's extensive arsenal of Mafia War thugs, and my brother in-law's Army buddies. Ideally, I would like to hit it like this...
I just learned that my local clinic is making a new banner with my image to use for their set up at the local Business Expo coming up (www.centralpascochamber.com/?page=expo11). As awesome as that is, how doubly cool would it be to be able to add "Clinic of Medi's 2011 Cover Model" to that too? Okay, so winner might be aiming to high, but 30 more votes would bump me up into the top three. Help a mama out and cast a vote on the Medi Weightloss FB page.
votes to the top contenders 294 votes...
I know they say "Slow and steady wins the race" but the tortoise could run me over at this point and that's with the help of my husband's coworkers, my mother in-law's extensive arsenal of Mafia War thugs, and my brother in-law's Army buddies. Ideally, I would like to hit it like this...
I just learned that my local clinic is making a new banner with my image to use for their set up at the local Business Expo coming up (www.centralpascochamber.com/?page=expo11). As awesome as that is, how doubly cool would it be to be able to add "Clinic of Medi's 2011 Cover Model" to that too? Okay, so winner might be aiming to high, but 30 more votes would bump me up into the top three. Help a mama out and cast a vote on the Medi Weightloss FB page.
Feb 15, 2011
Making the Cut
James may not be in American Idol's Top 10 just yet, but I know someone who made the Medi Cover Model Top 10... Yea, I made it !!!!!!!!! I guess this mama's still got it after all. Just look at my "Blue Steel" or is that "My heels are killing me Bitch". (I tried, but my fierce always reads slightly more irritated. I'll get down, eventually.) :)

Time to celebrate on this Valentines Day. Cheers to loving others and to learning to love yourself!
Song of the day: YouTube - ainow.org: Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers PointsPlus (This isn't meant to endorse Weight Watchers, but to show an emotion. It's hard to describe to someone who has never had a serious weight problem how it feels but I think Jennifer Hudson knows. Girlfriend nailed it.)

Time to celebrate on this Valentines Day. Cheers to loving others and to learning to love yourself!
Song of the day: YouTube - ainow.org: Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers PointsPlus (This isn't meant to endorse Weight Watchers, but to show an emotion. It's hard to describe to someone who has never had a serious weight problem how it feels but I think Jennifer Hudson knows. Girlfriend nailed it.)
Feb 10, 2011
Challenge of the Day

Me Vs. Aphrodite
I need a good after photo for the Medi contest due in by Monday. I've lost the weight, I'm using a real beach at sunset for my back drop, and can at least pretend I'm a goddess. I can do this. Let's do this!
Like Eminem says, you only get on shot, better make it count.
YouTube - Eminem - Lose Yourself (set to clips from 8 Mile)
Jan 30, 2011
Recipe of the Day
My body is aching, I'm tired, it's 51 degrees here in Florida, and my kids are never going to have enough energy to finish their homework and save the world via Xbox, if I don't cook something soon. It's time for some comfort food. A meal that is easy to make with some added heat to you warm. This version is very mild but can be made stronger if you're taste buds can handle it.
Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup
4 cups water
4 cups chicken broth
5 skinless, boneless chicken breast sliced in half
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
½ teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon paprika
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 chopped onion
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 (16 ounce) jar salsa
4 tablespoons chili powder
1 (16 ounce) container low fat sour cream
1 package Tofu Shirataki noodles
1. Combine water, chicken broth, chicken, garlic powder, onion powder, dried oregano, and paprika in a large pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and let simmer for one hour.
2. Remove the chicken and shred, making sure to save the water and broth for later.
3. Combine onion, garlic, and olive oil in a large pot and cook until slightly
4. Add in salsa, chili powder, sour cream, shredded chicken, Tofu Shirataki noodles, and reserved water and broth. Simmer for 30 minutes.
Jan 21, 2011
Let Them Eat Cake
On a much lighter note... Here is one of the recipes I think I'm going to submit to the Medi book. I know, I'm totally pulling a Britney Spears here, giving away a sample of my latest creative work before the finished product drops, but my bloggies and Twitter moms shouldn't have to wait.
It still needs some tweaking, (Splenda has a little bit of a weird aftertaste) but it looks like a winner. In fact, I don't think it will make it through the weekend if my boys have anything to do with it. It seems to hold up against the best cheesecake ever too - the one my mother makes every year for Thanksgiving. I put my own low carb spin on it, but failed to mention that to them just like I haven't filled them in on that whole Santa thing either... I hope, in time, they will understand.
Erin's Cheesecake
-3/4 cup finely crushed almonds
-3/4 cup almond flour (sometimes referred to as almond meal)
- 2 tablespoons melted butter
- 3 eight ounce packages of fat free cream cheese, softened
- 15 ounces part skim ricotta cheese
- 1/3 cup light sour cream
- 1 1/4 cup sugar substitute
- 1/4 cup Fat Free French Vanilla Coffeemate Creamer
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon Irish Cream liquor (I recommend Baileys)
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- scant amount of sugar free strawberry topping, light whipped cream, and
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2) Spray springfoam pan with nonstick cooking spray.
3) Fill a roasting pan with about 1 inch of water and place in the center of the oven
4) Mix cream cheese in mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Add ricotta cheese, sour
cream, and sugar substitute one at a time on low speed until blended.
5) In a separate bowl, whisk creamer, vanilla, lemon juice, Irish cream, eggs, and
cinnamon until blended.
6) Pour the egg mixture into the cream cheese mixture and mix on medium speed until
7) Pour the filling into the springfoam pan and place pan into the water bath for 15
minutes. Turn the temperature down to 275 degrees F and bake for 1 1/2 hours or
until the top is golden brown. Turn the oven off and leave the cake in to cool for
3 hours. Remove and refrigerate until chilled. Top it off with strawberry topping,
whipped cream, and strawberries. Lift fork to mouth and enjoy!
What's Cooking

A book! A book!!!! It's more of a colaborative cookbook than a fictional bestseller, but it's still a book. (This isn't how I imagined how my first foray into world of publishing would be but you have to start somewhere.) I, along with some others, have joined forces with the enemy, Medi Man, (just joking, we are actually FB friends) and will be submitting our stories along with a couple of favorite recipes for an inspirational/motivational cookbook. Yay! So look out Racheal Ray, there's some healthier and more "yum-oh" meals coming your way so don't be surprised if Barnes and Noble starts marking your book down. Put me and my peeps on your show and you might even get a signed copy. =)
YouTube - The Beatles-Paperback Writer
Jan 16, 2011
All of those holiday treats might have tried to attach themselves directly to my belly, Fester, but to no avail. Sure, I might have injured my knee permanently, (never do lunges when you're body is still freezing cold), but that extra pound is gone. Let's see that makes a total of 115 pounds, right? Damn straight little snowman cookie with the chocolate chip eyes! Nice try Frosty, but you could never touch that.
Moreover, Medi has taken out another full page ad with that woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to me in this months Tampa Parenting magazine again. That makes two months in a row now! The only problem is that chick. She definitely stole my look. I know they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but she seriously needs get her own style.
True, it's no Time, or Vogue or even a Victoria Secret catalogue but a delivery in the mail of the latter could lead to someone possibly picking up a Parenting magazine down the road... It's just cool to be in any publication and to support something I really care about when most of my life I've never really been confident enough in my appearance to put myself out there. (And I had dreams of it being for something I wrote, for my mind...)
Who knows, I might even make to the January issue. Yeah, they should totally do a new shoot every month with free clothes and a whole glam squad just to change it up. I could be their very first calendar girl and any residual profits could be used to throw parties for all the clients and staff. Like the Cafe Disco on The Office, only in a medical clinic and without Dwight. There's plenty more ideas where that came from but they have to hire me before I divulge anymore. :)
But until that happens, all I can offer is a song. This goes out to everyone who got through 2010 but especially to all my sisters. To the women who still manage to reach out to others despite being sick. The women who made it through the season despite having shotty metabolisms that don't enable them to consume as many calories as those skinny bitches. And to the women who succeeded despite having to wear tacky stage outfits designed by their mother. Here's to you and an even better new year!
Moreover, Medi has taken out another full page ad with that woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to me in this months Tampa Parenting magazine again. That makes two months in a row now! The only problem is that chick. She definitely stole my look. I know they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but she seriously needs get her own style.
True, it's no Time, or Vogue or even a Victoria Secret catalogue but a delivery in the mail of the latter could lead to someone possibly picking up a Parenting magazine down the road... It's just cool to be in any publication and to support something I really care about when most of my life I've never really been confident enough in my appearance to put myself out there. (And I had dreams of it being for something I wrote, for my mind...)
Who knows, I might even make to the January issue. Yeah, they should totally do a new shoot every month with free clothes and a whole glam squad just to change it up. I could be their very first calendar girl and any residual profits could be used to throw parties for all the clients and staff. Like the Cafe Disco on The Office, only in a medical clinic and without Dwight. There's plenty more ideas where that came from but they have to hire me before I divulge anymore. :)
But until that happens, all I can offer is a song. This goes out to everyone who got through 2010 but especially to all my sisters. To the women who still manage to reach out to others despite being sick. The women who made it through the season despite having shotty metabolisms that don't enable them to consume as many calories as those skinny bitches. And to the women who succeeded despite having to wear tacky stage outfits designed by their mother. Here's to you and an even better new year!
The Skinny on Carbs

It's not just about counting calories when losing weight that matters. The amount of carbohydrates you consume are important too. Scientists now saying carbs, not fat, are to blame for America's ills - latimes.com
Jan 15, 2011
Jingle All the Way

Tis the season to be jolly with, (among other things), extra helpings, extra drinks, desserts, and cookies - all things that put on the pounds. Exercise is probably you're best line of defense against that pumpkin pie but, if you're like me, you need a little motivation to tie those sneakers on.
This is exactly why my family and I have decided to sign up for a run. The annual Jingle Bell for Arthritis run takes place December 4th at International Plaza in Tampa and is not only a great way to keep your weight down but help a charity as well. Moreover, it's one of the funner races out there with jingle bells provided for your shoelaces, Christmas music, and Santa himself cheering you on. There are serious runners participating but also a big group of people with their dogs and baby strollers who are just trying to be active. You can choose either a 5K (3.2 miles) or a 1 mile "race" and walk, run, or walk/run to the finish line. Whatever works best for you. Get your family involved too and make a memorable event out of it, you'll be glad you did.
More specifically, if any Medi Weight Loss patients would like to join me on that day and form a group to further support and celebrate the healthier changes we've made, please contact me. (Just post a comment and it will directly be forwarded to my email.) For more information go to - 2010 Jingle Bell Run/Walk - Tampa - Home
Don't Walk This Way

Let's face it, not many people enjoy feeling the burn while doing countless repetitions of toning exercises, so when football hall of famer JOE MONTANA says the new Skechers Shape-Ups really work, I started to wonder. Could these expensive sneakers really be the answer to shapely leg prayers of the masses everywhere or has the ex quarterback blown through his retirement fund and extremely hard up for cash? It just seems very unlikely that he would have to worry about that problem. First of all, he was known for his arm throwing abilities and secondly, I highly doubt he has any cellulite or would ever be caught dead wearing a pair off camera. Upon doing some research, I found the following article from ivillage. It's not the most sought after health and fitness source but the findings were based on real study,(with no details given), and the writer's own personal experience. That's seems fairly reliable,right?
(Speaking of walking...Did I mention the Aerosmith concert coming up this Saturday? Well they're going to be at the 1-800 Ask Gary Amphitheater, so be there or be square. And don't forget which way to walk. Steven Tyler knows.
I'm still standing or as June, the 80 year old receptionist at the clinic put it, "They're bringing you back Miss. Sexy!" Now that's more like it, although I do think they should use my latest photo. It's more dramatic and would probably be more motivating to a potential patient. Yeah, and it should be blown up to true billboard size too with a big x covering up most of the before picture... :) And no they wouldn't have to fix that bright spot on my uterus. I don't have any super powers. It was just the way the light was reflecting off the canvas although I have been told that I do radiate a certain light from within...
The sign police tried to bring me down but Medi proved too strong for them and promptly renewed their permit with plans to put it up again as soon as humanly possible. Nurse B. (aka mother hen) made damn sure of it the moment they tried to cart it away like it was nothing.
Next time they better watch who their ordering around with their inane rules. They oughta know that you just can't keep a good woman down.
Song of the day: #1. YouTube - Chumbawamba - Tubthumping AND #2. YouTube - Hall And Oates - You Make My Dreams Come True (Music Video) (1980) (because you just can't get enough Hall and Oates)
Jan 14, 2011
Casulaties of Maintenance
Argghhh!!! The holidays suck. Getting ready for the Jingle Bell 5k race and having Halloween candy within a 20 foot radius of me is slowly draining my strength. My brain hurts from trying not to figure out where the fun size snickers are hidden, I smell as rancid as a basket of dirty socks, and I'm too weary to move. It's no piece of cake being healthy. Mmmm, frosting. Must... regenerate... energy... now...need water...must never surrender
YouTube - Fleetwood Mac - Don't Stop
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