I'll admit it, I'm not a big fish person. Growing up my mother would complain for days if my father dared to cook cabbage on New Year's Eve for luck, so anything with too pungent of an odor was usually too high of a risk in our home. The closest my family ever got to seafood was the occasional splurge on shrimp for when my parents were trying to impress special guests or some deep fried fish sticks, when they were on sale.
As the years passed I've tried more of the mild types of seafood at restaurants out of curiosity like grouper, salmon, and bass and have discovered that they're really not bad at all. I'd even place lobster on my top ten best foods ever list. Fish is a refreshing change from the standard chicken or beef and a welcome alternative, especially for anyone on a high protein diet. I've tried to incorporate more of these dishes into my meal planning but am weary with two picky eaters seldom open to trying anything new.
Well Yesterday, my guys,(my husband and two boys), spent the day deep sea fishing on one of those big charter boats common to Florida for the first time. I opted out this time for some much needed mommy time,(aka a movie and clothes shopping) but couldn't escape the fish all together. They came home proudly displaying their catch of the day in the freezer buried under a five pound bag of ice.
I knew it was in there somewhere, cut, cleaned and ready to be cooked and it was up to me to do the deed. Not being much of an expert in this field I cleverly went to my go to site,(allrecipes.com) and attempted to trick them into believing I was a culinary genius. It worked. They loved it and nobody ever knew that I had completely winged it and hoped for the best. (It's funny how that approach works more often than not.)
Here's the recipe,(not mine), if you're ever stuck in the same predicament. You can use it on any type of fish,(I believe), and eliminate the nachos and serve with brown rice for a low carb effect.
Mexican Baked Fish Recipe - Allrecipes.com
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