Tis the season to be jolly with, (among other things), extra helpings, extra drinks, desserts, and cookies - all things that put on the pounds. Exercise is probably you're best line of defense against that pumpkin pie but, if you're like me, you need a little motivation to tie those sneakers on.
This is exactly why my family and I have decided to sign up for a run. The annual Jingle Bell for Arthritis run takes place December 4th at International Plaza in Tampa and is not only a great way to keep your weight down but help a charity as well. Moreover, it's one of the funner races out there with jingle bells provided for your shoelaces, Christmas music, and Santa himself cheering you on. There are serious runners participating but also a big group of people with their dogs and baby strollers who are just trying to be active. You can choose either a 5K (3.2 miles) or a 1 mile "race" and walk, run, or walk/run to the finish line. Whatever works best for you. Get your family involved too and make a memorable event out of it, you'll be glad you did.
More specifically, if any Medi Weight Loss patients would like to join me on that day and form a group to further support and celebrate the healthier changes we've made, please contact me. (Just post a comment and it will directly be forwarded to my email.) For more information go to - 2010 Jingle Bell Run/Walk - Tampa - Home
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