Oh my God, what was up with the Rachael Ray show? Can you say agenda?! So much for telling the WHOLE story and informing people on an incredible personal achievement and an excellent program for weight loss. The show was all about NBC promoting The Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels pitching her book, as she has all the answers to making your dreams come true. Jeez, even the viewer who had to overcome wearing minimal makeup for 30 days got more screen time!
But it's not Jerome's fault. He and his wife did mention Medi numerous times during the five hour taping of the show but were told they may not have time for them to answer all of the interview questions. So they were overshadowed by the bigger so called celebrity and, (due to some clever editing), it looks like The Biggest Loser is responsible for inspiring the couple and serving as the perfect guide for them to lose the weight on their own. They even showed them going into the doctor's office for their weekly weigh-ins!!! ARRRRRGHHH!!!!!! Those weren't done to mimic the show!!!! It's an important part to the medically supervised weight loss program they were both on to help keep them on track and to monitor their health called Medi!!!!!!!!! The clinic even sticks with their patients after they reach their goals to help them sustain the change long term too. TV Land does things a bit differently. In that world they drop you after the cameras stop rolling and catch up with you a year later when you've put the weight back on and they can exploit you all over again.
I understand a network wanting to plug their own show and not wanting the segment to be just a commercial for the clinic, but they really short changed both of them. To not give them a chance to share more of their story or to even mention the program that was a key component to helping the couple shed over 400 pounds is wrong. They missed out on an opportunity to potentially help a lot of overweight people. People who have tried diets on their own, or may be contemplating gastric surgery, and could benefit greatly from medical support. I don't think I can watch Rachael Ray ever again.
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