"Hello, Erin? Hi, this is Gerry from Medi Weightloss Clinics. One of our patients who lost 300lbs is going to be on the Today show this Monday and I just wanted to know if it would be okay to give them your name and information in case they want to ask you some questions or would like to use your testimonial?" WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? OKAY?????? HELL YEAH!!!! They don't even need to ask, like I'm going to say NO to the FREAKING Today Show!!!!!!! Oh, okay I'll see if I can TRY to find the time to answer my phone. I do have some bon bons that I need eat and a couch to hold down, but if you must.
I can't even imagine sipping my morning coffee and hearing Al, Matt, Meredith, or Ann say my name while talking about the Joy Fit Club. (Hearing Kathy Lee's gravely, high pitched voice, now that's another thing all together. Why is she back on morning TV and why is she always drinking some alcoholic beverage?) I'm freakin' Ms. Medi. I'm kind of a big deal in the Florida Medi circle and I don't get it. I know losing 116lbs and counting, (5-8 more to go), is as much as a petite woman, but after seeing the other contestants in the contest, I also know some people have lost more and have probably worked harder. I didn't lose it in record time, I don't live in the gym, I don't put an excessive amount of time into cooking, and even indulge in small treats like my mini chocolate Easter bunny, from time to time. I don't even check my ketosis levels and haven't in over a year.
The perfect plan they would like everyone to follow is impossible for me. I did everything right for the first three months and then made minor adjustments to make it work for me. That's what has worked for me. That along with adding variety to make it interesting, constantly changing my thinking and being held accountable. That's how I did it. There's really no big secret or anything more to it than that. Well, maybe rewarding myself with unnecessary clothes shopping and just getting out for a change. You know, like having some fun once and awhile, like normal people do. Too many people, especially dieters, think it has to be all or nothing, when that's just not realistic. Sooner or later you end up feeling deprived, start binging on junk food, feel horrible and eventually give up. It's like getting 100% on a test. It's possible but when it's all said and done an A's an A. Even if you put in 90% that's still pretty damn good. Moreover, it leaves room for improvement, as any life long change is always a work in progress.
Ideally, it would be incredible to be the one on The Today Show but Jerome has done an outstanding job and has more than earned it. Plus, having been overweight for more years than not, I know he wasn't really living life at 500lbs. Just being 20lbs over what's considered normal is more than enough to leave a mark on your everyday experiences. Try living with hundreds of extra pounds for years and years. Talk about barriers. He more than deserves it.
There may not be a phone call from the major affiliates or the local news here but that's fine. The fact that my name was on the list, The Today Show list, THE TODAY MOTHER FREAKIN SHOW list, is one of the biggest things that has ever happened to me. How many people can say that? This is the best dream ever. If you want to change, do it. Make it fun and put some heart into it and you're good to go. (Now I sound like a Nikey ad, gotta work on my slogan. I'm screwed if Matt Lauer wants my advice in a one sentence sound bite. I'll just deflect it and turn the question back on him. Have you seen the man's six pack?)
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