Well, that is the type of support that I'm talkin' about, given yesterday's slight disappointment! It's even better too because I wasn't expecting it.
It's just too weird. I actually look somewhat trim and slightly stacked in this picture. I'm really glad I took a chance on that dress - a JcPenNEY original, that was marked down! Can you believe that?! It's awesome. The hell with the little BLACK dress ladies. If red works for you and you like it, then don't worry about it being too bold - wear it!
Thank you also to photographer extraordinaire, Christopher Stickney (www.chrisstickney.com) and built in padding for working your magic. Oh, and I'd also like to give a shout out to my mentor, old school supermodel, Tyra Banks - "Hey, girl!" If it wasn't for watching one too many episodes of America's Next Top Model I would never have known how to twist my body like a contortionist to find the most painfully flattering angles.
If this isn't proof that Medi rocks than I don't know to say. If you are overweight and it's negatively impacting your life, (and if I haven't said it enough), cast your doubts aside and Join Medi Weightloss clinics(www.mediweightlossclinics.com). Take care of yourself. This is blatant promotion, but it's so much harder to do it all by yourself. I know, I tried for more years than I care to remember, stopping and starting one diet after another on my own only to eventually end up back where I started or worse. The medical supervision, medication, and support make a huge difference, (no pun intended), and can make the whole process so much easier and more successful, especially when it gets challenging.
Like this week and the following week with all the cake, ice cream, and Halloween candy around that's as addicting as a drug for a sugar junkie like me. And that's just the start. Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. I could probably eat cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday and be very content in the short term, but I know it would limit me. I wouldn't be half as happy not being able to wear the clothes I want to wear, run around with my kids, or do all the other activities I want to do without having to worry if my weight will be an issue.
It's incentives like these printed testimonials, where I can share my story and maybe even impact someone, that help motivate me to keep building on what I've been doing. After all, I gotta walk the walk if I'm gonna represent. And from what I hear there will be more promotion with a winter picture of this Florida resident amongst the snowflakes in the works. If all goes well I could even make the calendar for spring and summer too. I may be too pasty white for the swimsuit issue though.
This calls for, yes, you guessed, it a song. Hall and Oates, one more time, cause that's how I roll! This one's for you, Medi.
YouTube - Hall And Oates - You Make My Dreams Come True (Music Video) (1980)